Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Argument Against the Alex Vause Theory

Image result for alex vause c block pictures

   Now that Season 6 of Orange Is the New Black is in the record books, many theories have come out about the direction of the show and its characters.  One such theory has to do with the character of Alex Vause, about how she will cope in prison in general for the remainder of her sentence, as well as how she will cope without Piper in there with her.  The theory suggests that Alex will possibly become the new leader of C Block by being the drug kingpin.  I can understand that, as Carol had mentioned to Madison that it could be a possibility, especially with Alex starting to work for Carol in order to get Madison not to mess with Piper's remaining time.  However, I have an argument against this theory.

   In my opinion, it all falls apart because Carol is dead.  Honestly, even before this is even known to the inmates, the kickball game ends without violence, with really only Madison wanting to inflict some damage.  Her teammates, and especially Alex, tell her there's no point and they should just have some fun.  Before Alex had made the deal with Carol, she spoke with Madison about backing off Piper.  By the way, I refuse to call her "Badison" because it's a dumb nickname that she thought was clever and fearsome, of which it is neither.  Madison tried to display her power towards Alex, who reminded her that Carol is the big boss anyway and that Madison is "a fucking child," which she most definitely is.

   With Carol out of the picture, and the inmates in C Block without their leader, they wouldn't be interested in going to war with D Block anymore.  D Block is a different story, though!  While a war may not be happening anymore due to Barb's death, Daddy is surely going to step in, seeing as she was already the one responsible for drugs in the first place.  Also, Daddy will have Daya by her side likely as well.  Back to the Alex theory!  Madison is really the only one wanting to be at war with D Block.  I'm sure she will put her attention on Alex as it was on Piper before.  However, Alex is stronger than Piper was and she can handle herself.  I think the theory about Alex stepping up in command hinged on Carol but without Carol, there's no need for Alex to go that route to survive her remaining time.  Alex can handle Madison.  Hopefully, Madison will do something dumb enough to get herself killed early in Season 7 so we never have to deal with her again.  She is the most annoying, useless, and unnecessary character in the show's existence.  

   In my opinion, barring any problems from Madison, Alex will go back to the straight and narrow and try to go for that degree she had been aiming for in the first place.  The only reason Alex was stepping up was because of the favor Carol did for her in getting Madison off Piper's back.  With Carol gone, Madison loses power and isn't a threat, as if she was even one in the first place.  Not only that, Piper is out of prison so Alex has no need to worry about Piper's well being.  Alex may have been great at the drug trade and not the best human being, but she is strong and determined.  I can even see a situation where Alex may at first be perceived to be the new leader but she speaks with someone else in C Block, making a deal where Alex steps down so this other inmate can run it however she likes and Alex can fade into the background without drama.  This is akin to the story in the show Wentworth when Bea was tired of being top dog and gave the position to Kaz.

   There's another thing that needs to be pointed out that actually doesn't have to do with this theory but directly affects Alex.  At the end of season 3 and into Season 4, Kubra had sent Aiden to kill Alex.  Thanks to Lolly, the assassination attempt failed.  Unfortunately, Lolly was sent to Psych after to confessing to the murder of Aiden when his body was found scattered and buried in the garden.  By the way, here's a loose end within this loose end that I'm about to get to.  Litchfield, as well as seemingly the FBI, never did find out who Aiden was and it's still not known that he was an assassin in Kubra's drug ring and not an actual guard.  Despite being hired as a guard, that has more to do with both the incompetence of the prison and ultimately the former MCC.  If they knew who he really was, I highly doubt they would have hired him.

   Back to my point, the video of Piscatella went viral and by then, possibly even before, without hearing from Aiden in quite a while, Kubra must know that Alex is still alive.  Much like he did with Aiden, I suspect Kubra will try to get Alex killed somehow for testifying against him.  Hell, Kubra may not even know that Aiden is dead.  I thought we would have seen something in Season 6 but with the riot happening and then the aftermath, I can understand if he wanted to wait.  Surely, this has got to be in the back of Alex's mind as well.  Piper has nothing to worry about, on the other hand, even on the outside, as she was the one that lied under oath, claiming not to know Kubra at all.  Although, it makes you wonder what the end game is if Alex is able to thwart another attempt on her life.  The only way this ends for Alex safely is if either Kubra goes back to prison or is killed.

   I'd like to see a big time jump as Season 7 progresses so we can reach current time.  I know many believe that the timeline jumped to 2018 but it did not.  The show's creator just decided to add current events into the story to make people aware of the things going on in the world.  The actual time for the show is stuck at February, 2015.  However, I think a majority of the season will consist of Taystee continuing her plea for justice, while taking a slight look at life outside prison for Piper.  Whether Season 7 ends the show or not, and with it coming out in 2019, I'd like to see perhaps the last episode do a massive time jump to 2019, and give a brief synopsis of the other inmates.  For instance, by this time, several characters' sentences will be over and we don't know if Lorna's baby will survive or not.  Another hope for Season 7 is to catch up with the inmates that were sent to the Ohio prison, or if there was another as well.  The bottom line is that I argue against the theory of Alex taking the leadership role because of Carol's death.  I'd love to know your thoughts, though!

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